Such letter signed by the Company Secetary /Director of the company is not enough as far as compliance of section 171 is concerned.
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 28 October 2009
Such letter signed by the Company Secetary /Director of the company is not enough as far as compliance of section 171 is concerned.
(Asst Mgr-Taxation)
(6918 Points)
Replied 28 October 2009
Mr ankur sir
Thanks for your views .sharp intellectual brains can be seen from Your views
(Student CS)
(24 Points)
Replied 30 July 2013
I have filled form 23 without the consent letter and ROC asked me to file form 67. Can any one tell me whether i should also attach a letter along with the consent letter?