Principles of Positive Co-Worker Relationships

M P Singh (Service - Finance & Taxation)   (180 Points)

21 July 2008  


  • Respect People's Differences: each of us is unique - it's a fact that we must accept and learn from. Each of us may approach life, and work differently and while that may be a challenge for some of us to co-exist with people that don't think the same way about certain things. We do each owe the other "respect" for their feelings and values. 
  • Think Positive! (it's easier to talk to folks and get along with people who are positive thinkers and not always talking negatively - about every topic) 
  • Acknowledge you’re Co-workers - Talk to each other on a regular and casual basis. Say "Good Morning!" with a Smile - answer the phone with a Smile!, you don't have to have regular conversations with every co-worker, but acknowledge their presence and be positive when talking to them. Sometimes a co-worker can be having a terrible day, and just one "positive" comment or compliment, can make a dreadful day - bearable! 
  • LISTEN!! Listen to co-workers when they talk to you - don't just pretend - you'll never earn respect or understand others till you give them your full attention. 
  • Appreciate Others - No "one" person can or should do everything in a workplace - So just as you want support and appreciation for the job you do each day - show the same consideration for your co-workers. 
  • Pitch In and Help Out! - I have always preached that you should try to go beyond your job descripttion, think out of the box - go the extra mile - Every once in awhile - DO THAT! without being asked, just Pitch In and Help Out! and Don't let people down when you offer to do something extra or volunteer for a project. But be careful that you don't come across as a "martyr" - someone who wants to do it all - and/or someone who only knows the right way a project should be done.  
  • Live Up to Your End of the Job: Your employers have certain expections of you and so do your co-workers, always do your job to the "best" of your abilities - don't look for the easy way out, or try to ask a co-worker to do "part of your job",  be a problem solver, and remember to always seek improvement in all that you do.  
  • Respect People's Time & Priorities - We all are working under pressure and deadlines. Respect your co-workers need for concentration, and if you need to interrupt them - ASK first if this is a good time to interrupt them - If your request is urgent - Apologize for the interruption and keep your request brief. Remember that each of us has a different "style" of working. so respect your co-workers style of time managment and prioritizing their workload. 
  • Be Willing to Admit your Mistakes and Apoligize gracefully - Co-workers understand that mistakes happen, and that we don't intentionally make them - so admit when you're wrong or made a mistake and get on with your job. 
  • Invest in Other Parts of Your Life - Make sure that you are taking care of "YOU" -, and that your non-work life is enriching - indulge in hobbies, sports, exercise, reading, travel, socializing - Don't make YOUR JOB and the people you work with the focus of your Life - try not to take home "your" work problems..Life is too short to work 40 hours a week, and then come home and "stew" or be upset about what happened during the day..Change out of your "work clothes" and "work mindset" and do something entirely different - when you get home - focus in on your family, your hobbies, and yourself. 
  • Understand that Life on the JOB won't always be perfect, and that you will have co-workers, bosses, and employers that you "don't like or agree with" - If you find that you absolutely can't work with certain people, then look for another job, Don't settle for an unpleasant work environment - you won't be a productive worker, or a happy co-worker -  It may take practice and patience but Harmony at work is within your power!