plz sum1 tell me the process of rechecking and address whr to post d letter.......
plz sum1 urgently reply address of posting 4 rechecking
CA SUMEET AGRAWAL (ca practise) (36 Points)
02 September 2009CA SUMEET AGRAWAL (ca practise) (36 Points)
02 September 2009plz sum1 tell me the process of rechecking and address whr to post d letter.......
(Chartered Accountant)
(2987 Points)
Replied 03 September 2009
As per my opinion ICAI never allows the re-valuation of answer sheets. As per earlier ICAI notifies re-totaling of answer sheets and the fee for re-totaling of answer sheets got revised as Rs.100/- per paper and a maximum of Rs.400/- effective from may 2008 declaration of results.
Write an application by hand giving detail w.r.t. your Roll Number, Attempted Group, papers desired to be revalued and attach the required fees by way of postal order favour of Secretary, ICAI. (To your regional branch) Result will be out in max of 30 days. Chances are low but you just try.
Best of luck
CA.Shaleen Srivastava
(CA , CWA*, Bcom(H))
(2004 Points)
Replied 03 September 2009
As per my opinion ICAI never allows the re-valuation of answer sheets. As per earlier ICAI notifies re-totaling of answer sheets and the fee for re-totaling of answer sheets got revised as Rs.100/- per paper and a maximum of Rs.400/- effective from may 2008 declaration of results.
Write an application by hand giving detail w.r.t. your Roll Number, Attempted Group, papers desired to be revalued and attach the required fees by way of postal order favour of Secretary, ICAI. (To your regional branch) Result will be out in max of 30 days. Chances are low but you just try.
CA Ruben Balooni
(Professionalism ™)
(1324 Points)
Replied 03 September 2009
^ y u copying his reply?
Vijay Ganpatrao kulkarni
(CA Inter & CS Inter)
(71 Points)
Replied 03 September 2009
hi guys. i accepted result. institute theory. i want to khow how will do study. i reffered for last exams cost & fm : Saxena & vasista, incometax & CST : Singhania, : Study material. Now can anyone suggest me which books will i reffer? is any other author? please suggest me. i will always welcome with you. thank you
CA. Varun Soni
(Chartered Accountant)
(201 Points)
Replied 03 September 2009
Procedure for Verification of Answer Books of Chartered Accountants Professional Education- II/ Professional Competence/ Final Examinations-(30-01-2009) |
The Senior Joint Secretary (Exam)
ICAI Bhawan
Post Box No. 7112
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002.
Bhavik Sachde
(Article Assistant)
(26 Points)
Replied 08 February 2011
i got 59 marks in cost fm and i want to re-check my paper. As per the rules the result will be declared after a month after getting athe application but now for May-2011 Pce Examination the last date of submit the form is 28/02/2011 than what will i have to write in the form regarding the Cost Fm.I want quick reply before last date of exam form so that i can mention in exam form
(CA - Final / CS / B.Com)
(1140 Points)
Replied 08 February 2011
The given under is the address to which the DD & the letter in you own hand writing shoud be sent..
The Senior Joint Secretary (Exam)
ICAI Bhawan
Post Box No. 7112
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002.
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies