Mismatch of 26as and form 16
Tushar (ca final) (147 Points)
22 August 2015
Udgam Koomar
(Tax Technologist)
(1949 Points)
Replied 22 August 2015
As per your records whichever seems actual you shoud consider. For eg if you sum up all the salary received and tds done each month then cross check with these two forms and the one that matches you use it and at the same time you can send a request to get the other form corrected.
Vikas Gupta
(Tax Executive)
(530 Points)
Replied 22 August 2015
Always mention Income shown in Form 16 Part 'B' becasue this is the actual salary on which TDS has been deducted and deposited. Notice your Form 26AS with that of Form 16 Part 'A'. These two are generally the same but while filing your income tax return always mention form 16 part 'B' income in TDS sheet of income tax return.
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