Importance of SOPTAS

SOPTAS refers to the summary of Professional ( and other ) Training Programs Attended by Students. It is an important column of practical training record which is generally used in articleship by CA Students.
The Chartered Accountancy course consists of an integrated theoretical education and practical training. The objective of it is to equipping a student with knowledge, ability, skills and other qualities which is an essential part of a professional accountant.

Being an article assistant , it is our utmost duty to maintain practical training record which is basically ignored by us .
Generally the details of work undertaken and training received is available after completion of 3 years of practical training but the column of SOPTAS became nil. Reason we are not taking note of it. As per ICAI , the whole practical training is divided into two parts viz.
In house theoretical training , and
Practical work experience

In which theoretical training is very much important along with practical training.

practical training gives us an opportunity to apply our theoretical knowledge in practical situations but if we ignore seminars , study circles, technical sessions we don't get exposure to keep our ideas in front of others. Apart from this , it is a platform to build a wide network by deliberating in technical sessions.
So keep starting for maintaining SOPTAS Records also.