How to claim refund when it appears in 26as form

mayuri (n/a) (63 Points)

21 May 2012  


I have filed my returns for year 2011-12 in july 2011. In the year 2011 my bank deducted an amount of 2200 with respect to the interest accrued above the limit. Since at that time my pan number was not with that bank the entry was not shown in 26as form and i was not alloted the refund. Now after almost a year the entry is displayed in the 26as form. I have filed the returns online and now i want to know how can i claim that refund. Somebody says that i have to fill some revised e form and submit it online. Can anybody tell me the steps?

Any help will be much appreciated. I only want to know how can i ask/claim the refund now shown in form 26as after i have already filed my returns.

thank you in advance!