19 March 2009  

 Dear all,

Please give your individual suggession for improvement of our friends.......

First problems with most of the CA student is  a change over problem.....

If any student coming out from Graduation and enteres in to CA, they requires some time to settle in to their fled....Some problems were how to study..........which book to follow...........Etc.....Up to that time almost  of great time will be over ........

If new student wenitng to coaching also also  just limited to the coaching version and they were  just like a spoon feed baby...........

The candidate undergoing articleship may not find sufficient time to study their Portion is also other threat.........They hardly get a lesser number of leave and no time to undergo the study..............

Repeated failures would result to destruction of our conifident..................

How to overcome...............

1.Mental preparation

Please be understand the course is itself is tough in nature so the  freshers be mentaly be raised to the level of CA course....You should never be limit to your coaching classes or it is a tough  but achievvable target for you........In short please raise according to your opportunity................

2.Self anaysis

It consist of evaluating yourself your strength and weakness in studies.... Some were very hard working than others, some otheres were strength in theory but some others were good command on the problems.....some were averages......


3.Pay more attention on weaker subject...

After self analsysi pay more time effort  to weaker subject......Go consulting your doubt .... Go for the best coaching.........

4.Proper planing

It consist of systematic and logical alocation  for your studies. Do pay more  careful for your planing.......Divide the subject in smallest managable part and go ahead.....

5. Dedicate to studies

This is very critical.... study to be effient if you devote your  soul and body exclusvely to CA... forget other occupations.....

Find atleast 6to 8 produtive study hours for articled student inculding their coaching and 12 to 15 hours for non articlestudent......You may  be gradualy in the track........

6.Periodic revisons

Evaluate periodicaly that where you stand interms of studies and improvement you have achieve...............How to improve..... If you commit more corrections then more you will improve..............Commit mistake .......correct and improve................

7.Kep away from negatives

8.write exam according to your strength and weakness....

Start all subject in  first pahse.......But before six month if you feel command on any one group then give more focuz on that and less focuz on other....

9.Keeping good notes.....

This is very critical.... For theory papers..... It adds your creativity also..............

10.Three round studies before exam.......

You have to cover three round  of studies before exam........

11.confidence in writing.....

Take  the exam as battle ... if you attack the exam with whaterver you know you will susceed. If you not know also  but attempting also yu can suceed.

ALL The Best


 For The CA student club........



Lack of confidence  and over confidence is too dangeroues......But their is only needed the self confidence............

Following a wrong method of studied and sticking with the same method is a great Disater.........