I Have Filed TDS Returns Where Certain PANs Were Wrong Now I Have Corrected Them But System has raised demand for pan error default. How can I correct / avoid the same.
26 May 2015I Have Filed TDS Returns Where Certain PANs Were Wrong Now I Have Corrected Them But System has raised demand for pan error default. How can I correct / avoid the same.
Deepak Tapse
(Accounts Manager - Taxation)
(1771 Points)
Replied 26 May 2015
Pl check wether system accepted the revised return which you filed duly correct PAN
(1339 Points)
Replied 26 May 2015
Sir I have corrected, PAN correction is accepted by TIN. But default is still sustained default is not corrected
Means PAN ke defaults ki demand abhi bhi outstanding hai
Kanoj Hanumant Deshmukh
(Finance Officer)
(30 Points)
Replied 26 May 2015
Rahul singh
(Audit assistant)
(23 Points)
Replied 26 May 2015
Rahul singh
(Audit assistant)
(23 Points)
Replied 26 May 2015
Kaushik Joshi
(Practising Chartered Accountant)
(1527 Points)
Replied 27 May 2015
Deepak Tapse
(Accounts Manager - Taxation)
(1771 Points)
Replied 27 May 2015
Dear Gopal
Pl login in TDSCPC, check showing any default about wrong pan. If no default, ignore the notice.
CA Neha Rani
(27 Points)
Replied 27 May 2015
Yatender Singh Rawat
(Tax Consultant)
(101 Points)
Replied 27 May 2015
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)