Having business in 2 states. In one sate am dealing in taxable goods and in other states dealing in exempt goods. My clubbed turnover exceeds in the year will exceed 20 lakhs limit. Do i have to take GST registration in both the states.
Vikas (Accountant) (42 Points)
09 August 2018Having business in 2 states. In one sate am dealing in taxable goods and in other states dealing in exempt goods. My clubbed turnover exceeds in the year will exceed 20 lakhs limit. Do i have to take GST registration in both the states.
(116 Points)
Replied 19 January 2019
As your turnover exceeded applicable limits(20l) you are liable to get registered under CGST act 2017.
If your aggregate turnover consists only excepted supplies then no need to be registered.
corporate genie
(18 Points)
Replied 09 September 2023
Yes, if your combined turnover, including taxable and exempt goods, exceeds the GST threshold of 20 lakhs, you are required to register for GST in both states where your business operations are located. Each state's GST registration is separate, and you must comply with the GST regulations of each state where you operate. Corporate Genie can assist you with the GST registration process in both states, ensuring that you meet all legal requirements and helping you with proper filing of GST returns, which can be complex when dealing with operations in multiple states. Their expertise can simplify the process and ensure compliance with GST laws.
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