Hy All,
How to pass journal entries of Gst input as per Gstr 2B return in books..
Some supplier file rerun on qtr basis, if we entered bill according to bill date the mis match of Gst adjustment in our books
Amit (Accounts ) (528 Points)
31 January 2023Hy All,
How to pass journal entries of Gst input as per Gstr 2B return in books..
Some supplier file rerun on qtr basis, if we entered bill according to bill date the mis match of Gst adjustment in our books
Vinayak Pai K
(Practicing CA)
(27 Points)
Replied 31 January 2023
Pass regular JEs as per purchase register. Transfer the unclaimed ITC portion to separate current asset account, namely Deferred CGST/SGST/IGST. Subsequently when it is claimed upon reflecting in 2B, you can credit these accounts and debit the main ITC accounts.
Sandeep Jain
(1459 Points)
Replied 31 January 2023
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies