Paduka has fast track referencer which makes it very very easy to revise.if you have studied once u can easily go through the fast track referencer the day before the exam.
(Consulting Executive)
(852 Points)
Replied 24 March 2011
Paduka has fast track referencer which makes it very very easy to revise.if you have studied once u can easily go through the fast track referencer the day before the exam.
Vikas Marele
(CA in Service)
(1144 Points)
Replied 24 March 2011
But fast track referencer is just for remeber the main points easily, however u also needs some content which u can easily gained from compiler at exam time.
CA Sravani P
(57 Points)
Replied 28 March 2011
Hi all
Thanks a lot.. i have decided to go with surbhi bansal and compiler for most parts.. and paduka for prac questions on topics like prof ethics, sa and as... should be enuf rite??? :-)
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