Excel formula for calculating slabs

Page no : 2

amit kumar (ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT) (22 Points)
Replied 19 August 2015

=IF(AND(A4>0;A4<=250000);"not tax";IF(AND(A4>250001;A4<=500000);(A4-250000)*10/100;IF(AND(A4>500001;A4<=1000000);(A4-500000)*20/100+25000;IF(AND(A4>1000000);(A4-1000000)*30/100+125000)))) , please use to if & and condition,

Rakib (Finance Professional) (30 Points)
Replied 19 August 2015

Originally posted by : amit kumar

income tax calculator if excel formula 

=IF(AND(A4>0;A4<=250000);"not tax";IF(AND(A4>250001;A4<=500000);(A4-250000)*10/100;IF(AND(A4>500001;A4<=1000000);(A4-500000)*20/100+25000;IF(AND(A4>1000000);(A4-1000000)*30/100+125000))))


Its ok. But there are some error in it. You used ";" instead of ",". Another thing is that its showing wrong amount.



George (Accountant ) (27 Points)
Replied 25 February 2016

Hi Everybody 

Please help me the put formula in Excel for the Payee (Income Tax Slab) in Tanzania 

      Slab                     Percentage 

0-170000                         NIL

170000-360000                11%

360000-540000                20%

540000-720000                25%

720000                           30%

I tried so much it is not working 

Kindly Help me 

I have to prepare the salary on 27th Feb 2016

Thanks in Advance !!! 

Please send me the mail 

ggeorge84 @ hotmail.com

S. Shiroor (Others) (1207 Points)
Replied 25 February 2016

Function Taxs(Inco)
    Select Case Inco

         Case Is < 170000
               Taxs = 0
          Case Is <= 360000
               Taxs = (Inco - 170000) * 0.11
          Case Is <= 540000
               Taxs = 20900 + (Inco - 360000) * 0.2
          Case Is <= 720000
                Taxs = 56900 + (Inco - 540000) * 0.25
          Case Is > 720000
                Taxs = 101900 + (Inco - 720000) * 0.3
          Case Else
               Taxs = "Error"
         End Select
End Function

George (Accountant ) (27 Points)
Replied 25 February 2016

Hi Everybody  Please help me the put formula in Excel for the Payee (Income Tax Slab) in Tanzania       

Slab                     Percentage 

0-170000                         NIL

170000-360000                11%

360000-540000                20%

540000-720000                25%

720000                           30%

I tried so much it is not working  Kindly Help me  I have to prepare the salary on 27th Feb 2016

Thanks in Advance !!! 

Please send me the mail  ggeorge84 @ hotmail.com

I need in Excel Format 

Please send dears


S. Shiroor (Others) (1207 Points)
Replied 26 February 2016

Just paste in VB in excel

if A1 contains income then in B1  just type   =Taxs(A1)

i HOPE YOU got it   . any way i have sent mail

bcoz *.xlsm files cannot be uploaded - since it contains vb macro.


Vinayak K Krishna (Accounts Executive) (92 Points)
Replied 25 April 2016

its applicable for individual. The same cannot be applied where data is mixture of individual and Sr citizen.

Vinayak K Krishna (Accounts Executive) (92 Points)
Replied 26 April 2016

If you are to  compute Income tax of  large number of Individuals. The Excel formula will be helpful if  you have sufficient  excel data   like Gross alary Deduction as per Chapter Vi A , Profession tax etcc in columnar form.Suppose cell No B33  is  status of individual -To say; "I" for individual and"S" for Sr. Citizen and Cell No "C33" is the net taxable amount, then Income tax can be calculated as follows. Education cess and SH Cess  to the computed based on the result thereof.I just modified my earlier  formula to calculate  normal and Sr Citizen Tax. You guys  please  try it. Looking Forward to Get your  Querry and reply to enhance my knowledge   IF(B33="I",(IF(C33<500000,(C33-250000)*0.1,IF(C33<1000000,(C33-500000)*0.2+25000,IF(C33>1000000,(C33-1000000)*0.3+125000)))),IF(C33<500000,(C33-300000)*0.1,IF(C33<1000000,(C33-500000)*0.2+20000,IF(C33>1000000,(C33-1000000)*0.3+120000))))

Read more at: /forum/income-tax-calculation-excel-formula-357427.asp

krishna kant pandey (CIA Student) (22 Points)
Replied 02 December 2016

Originally posted by : Vaibhav Jandey

Originally posted by : CIA KRISHNA




Hi ,

  Can any body provide the excel sheet of formula to be used for calculating the income tax slabs for different Incomes.




Here is it


Replace the extreme left figure in above formula with the exemption limit of other person(s).


Attached File : 1652902 20161202183110 krishna.xlsx downloaded: 248 times

Ravi Roy (Accountant) (30 Points)
Replied 07 May 2017

In a very simple way =+((F81-1000000)*0.3+(1000000-500000)*0.2+(500000-200000)*0.1)

Akash Sawant (Accountant) (28 Points)
Replied 30 May 2017

Thanks a Lot for Formula...

Akash Sawant (Accountant) (28 Points)
Replied 30 May 2017

showing error when apply

Ravi Roy (Accountant) (30 Points)
Replied 01 June 2017

Could you please share your error excel file to see error.

Replied 19 June 2017

It is really very helpful.

saravanan (tncsc) (22 Points)
Replied 27 February 2018

=IF(AND(B19>0,B19<=250000),"not tax",IF(AND(B19>250001,B19<=500000),(B19-250000)*5/100,IF(AND(B19>500001,B19<=1000000),(B19-500000)*20/100+12500,IF(AND(B19>1000000),(B19-1000000)*30/100+112500))))



for current year

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