Is DIR 4 required to be printed on stamp paper and notarised or franking is enough??
Venkatesh Dangeti (CA Final) (883 Points)
02 February 2017Is DIR 4 required to be printed on stamp paper and notarised or franking is enough??
Vinaya Kumara K H
(Accounts Executive)
(259 Points)
Replied 02 February 2017
DIR-4 not required
see the below notification
Venkatesh Dangeti
(CA Final)
(883 Points)
Replied 02 February 2017
Dear sir,
I read the same but I feel that DIR 3 may be rejected on the ground of absence of DIR 4.
Thank you
bhomesh khirbat
(Senior Article)
(143 Points)
Replied 04 February 2017
Exactly It can be rejected on ground of not providing DIR-4
Take print of Dir-4 on Stamp paper on min 10 rs stamp paper and get it notarized
I advice you take on Rs 20 stamp paper since it differ from state to state
Venkatesh Dangeti
(CA Final)
(883 Points)
Replied 05 February 2017
Actually bhomesh sir, as dir -4 has been merged into form dir- 3 itself, I want to efile dir-3 without dir- 4.
I just want to try.
Have you been encountered any rejection on the ground of absence of dir-4??
in dir-3 help error code regarding non attachment of dir 4 is still there.
so I cant ensure myself whether dir 4 is removed or not
bhomesh khirbat
(Senior Article)
(143 Points)
Replied 05 February 2017
As such there is no problem for not including Dir-4 in Efrom Dir-3 since DIN no is automatically generated at time of uploading the form
But for the safer side i recommend you to file Dir -4 along with form( in optional attachment)
Sometime i have also seen that the DIN no. comes later ( after processing by MCA ) and in that case they have raised the issue for not filing DIR-4 in Eform
Inshort you should file DIR-4 along with E form in order to avoid Resubmission
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