DIR - 11 - Director Resignation -

JD ( Business)   (352 Points)

25 March 2015  

Dear All


DIR - 11 -  It is mandatory as per the law , but is it an esstential object ?

Two of our directors have resigned & the same has been updated in the ROC. But the process says , the resigning director needs to file DIR - 11 .

I want to know is it that essential to file DIR - 11 ? Our CA says its not required as he as mentioned the same on DIR - 12 ( while inclusion & exclusion of directors took place simultaneously)

Out of these to resigning Directors - One of the director  DIN has lapsed , and the other has to create Digital signature just ot file DIR - 11. So if DIR - 11 is not an essential object , we are looking to stop the process of filing DIR - 11 on their behalf.

Kindly share your views.


Thanks in advance