Return of deposits by 30/06/14 - sec74 companies act 2014

The Company Law Desk (CA Practice ) (103 Points)

18 April 2014  

Whether Return of Deposits is required to be filed by June 30, 2014. What will be its contents?​

Section 74 of the Companies Act, 2013 requires that the Company has to file a return of deposits taken by the Company on April 1, 2014 by 30th June, 2014 or within 3 Months from the date the deposits become due in form DPT – 4.

As per our opinion the deposits taken by a private company from its members and directors relative need to be mentioned in this return.

Deposits taken from directors were earlier as well as now are also exempt from the definition of deposits need not be filled in this return.

Particulars to be furnished in the return :

  • Total Deposits outstanding as on April 1, 2014 (Amount & No of Depositors)
  • Further details of above deposits:

(a) Deposits due but not paid

(b) Interest due thereon but not paid

(c) Deposits due but not claimed

(d) Interest due thereon but not claimed


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