F form received and submitted quarterly

Jay (Investor) (25 Points)

04 January 2014  

We are based in Bangalore and we used to have a branch office in Maharastra in 2006-07. For all branch transfers effected in that year, we have received F forms - Quarter wise i.e, one F form for all transactions of 1 quarter. These F forms were submitted here. Now, when the period of time barred is nearing, our AO tells us that the F forms had to be received monthly & submitted either monthly or quarterly. While I have now studied and notice that this should have been done, How do we resolve this? Is there any provision that this is also acceptable. Alternatively, will the department in Maharastra be able to issue me new F forms in case I apply for the same now, at the fag end of the period? Please advise urgently.