Formula required - weighted roi

prakash (NA) (35 Points)

26 October 2013  

Dear All,

Below given table has an example of investments and other relevant details.

  A B C D (=C/A) E (=D/B) F (=Ex365 days)
Sl # Invest Value Invest days Profit ROI ROI/Day Annulaized-ROI
1 20000 20 1450 7.30% 0.40% 132.30%
2 50000 30 2000 4.00% 0.10% 48.70%
3 80000 25 3000 3.75% 0.15% 54.75%







It would be a great help if somebody can help me by giving a formula to arrive at "Total Annualized ROI" of all the investments.

Thanks in advance !!