Daily survival kit........


Items to put in kit: Toothpick, Rubber band, Band aid, Pencil,


Eraser, Chewing gum, Mint, Candy kiss, Tea bag.. Why??


a. A Toothpick -

Tooth brushing graphics

To remind you to pick the good qualities in all your brothers


and sisters, including yourself.


b.A Rubber Band -



To remind you to be flexible. Things might not always


go the way you want, but it can be worked out.


c.A Band-Aid -



  Hospitals graphics


To remind you to heal hurt feelings, either yours or


someone else’s.


d. An Eraser -



To remind you everyone makes mistakes. That’s


okay, we learn by our errors.


e. A Candy  -


Candy graphics    Candy graphics


To remind you everyone needs a hug or A compliment


every day.


f. A Mint -



To remind you that you are worth a mint to your


spiritual family!


g. A Bubble Gum -


To remind you to stick with it…and you can accomplish


anything with Jehovah’s help.


h. A Pencil -

Pencil and pen cursors


To remind you to list your blessings every day.


i. Tea Bag -



To remind you to take time to relax daily, so you can


go over that list of Jehovah’s blessings.