Capital gain


26 March 2012  

Dear all ,

Where the immovable asset acqiured by way of exchange for another immovable asset  without cosideration.


1. Owner X having Agriculture land - Outside muncipal  area  with Fair market  shown in exchange deed for  registered is rs.500000 where as stamp duty valation is rs 350000.

2. Owner Y having Agriculture land - within muncipal  area  with Fair market  shown in exchange deed for  registered is rs.525000 where as stamp duty valation is rs 2500000.

Where the X and Y were acquired immovable asset  by way of exchange deed  for another immovable asset  without cosideration i.e. Rs. 1 only and X paid stamp duty on STAMP DUTY valuation i.e. on Rs 2500000.

If   the X sell his property to another in this case what will be  cost of acquisition to calculate short or long term capital gain to X.
