deepak (article clerk) (31 Points)

09 May 2009  

to all my peers and seniors

I wanna share my articleship  Experience with you all.I am in ,one among the top ten firms of india.

The work that i have done past 10 months

  1. Getting print outs from printer for my seniors
  2. Writing his mails
  3. Ticking same documents again and again
  4. Filing papers
  5. Giving files to my seniors from shelfs
  6. Feeding water to my seniors
  7. Even fed water to a client
  8. Getting scoldings from all my CAs
  9. Had fights with few of my senior articles
  10. Getting to listen to abuses from my seniors
  11. Cried before senior manager when he scolded m

I am a article of age 23 i dont understand what the problem is

I have never ever complained or said anything bad about anyone in front or at back of anyone of any senior irrespective of whatever he/she did to me.

I have never said to any of my seniors that i cant do this

But now i am tired of being so good and that is why i wanted to share with people over here.

I am a very weak person overall.And i dont know what are they testing in me. I dont have further strenght to move on like this.I am feeling helpless and not able to study too.I dont understand where will i be with this kind of work in my articleship and being so weak that not able to say anything in front of anyone.

There has to be a limit "HOW MUCH CAN I TAKE IN".....eNOUGH IS ENOUGH.

kindly advise i am feeling helpless

Thanks if u read it & reply