CA. Dashrath Maheshwari (TaXpert) (15103 Points)

15 November 2007  
Workaholism is a condition where people have a compulsive need to work. Work then takes precedence over every other aspect of the person’s life. So the question that you need to be asking yourself is: do you live to work or work to live?

You are a workaholic if:
  • You’re the first one to come into the office and the last one to leave.
  • You can’t seem to delegate work to people. You think it would be simpler, less time-consuming and the result more productive if you just did it yourself.
  • The concept of a lunch break is totally alien to you.
  • Saturday and Sunday are just more days at the office.
  • The only friends you have are the people you work with.
  • You’ve got a broken leg but still manage to hobble in to work the next day.
  • Your idea of casual conversation is the presentation you’ve been working on or the idea that you cracked.
  • You have your clients’ phone numbers on speed dial.
  • Your laptop goes on vacation with you – always.
  • You feel guilty when you go on vacation.
  • You’re on first-name basis with your boss, but lately, your kid calls you ‘Mister’.

    So the next time you decide to put in your third 13-hour day this week, stop, take a deep breath and relax. Because life’s too short to spend 13 hours a day cooped up within the four walls of an office. Take a break, go out and have a little fun.

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