All Your Attention

CA Dhiraj Ramchandani (CA, M. com) (10823 Points)

25 June 2010  

Hi friends... I'm off from CCI since a month or more, but its been not so pleasent to visit it now a days...


The reason is very obvious and that is the practices adopted to get nominations..


Sorry, but since 4-5 days i've been getting online on this site and recognised that people have started contributing really great stuff.. I mean, the stuff that is shared now is just of so high standard, useful and so mentionable. But then, its just to get nominations................., oh c'mon.., everyone knows it...


I dont understand it, i mean, why such practices are adopted. These all stuff would have been not provided with such great speed and at such level, if nominations procedure was not declared. Just look at the quality of forums these days, articles, files, etc,.., they all are just incredible and so worthfull... Mind it people, m not talking about all of the members, but few of them... Before this even, when members of this club have tried to adopt many malfunction practices to get more points or thanx, just to get one t-shirt or i-pod or just to get fame., and in response ADMIN have been deleting their profiles...



Moreover, when its clearly instructed that use ur NOMINATION POWER carefully, few members are not doing it again, they are just wasting out considering the information or file or forum to be the most important at that point of time.. And afterwards when they are finding something better, they regret for their previous acts....



Guys, CCI is no more now just a family or working at grassroot level, it has reached very far.. And so is the response and responsiblities of its members. Inspite of reaching at this level, few members are adopting such acts., is such cheap and notwithstanding activity...



So, please, its a request to EVERYONE to use their nomination vote very very very carefully and unbiasedly.. Please, not because it will end up choosing best person, but the best result... And those who are adopting any practice to get nominations, i dont have any message for them.. I mean, all such acts may get them prize once, but what they will throughtout their life, coz at the end its one's own personal knowledge and dedication that helps in developing and promoting...



Thanx for reading this, hope it changes atleast one's mind..

Tk Care....