Accounting for performance guarantee by issuer

brp18 (Professional) (21 Points)

15 March 2017  
Dear All, This is in relation to performance gurantee accouting by issuer under IFRS / Ind AS. As we all know there are 2 types of guarantees i.e. Financial and performance. Under IGAAP till date this were shown as contingent liability by the issuer. However, under Ind AS/ IFRS, Ind AS 109 /IFRS 9 specifically gives the definition of Financial Guarantee and its accounting treatment. However, it does not provide any guidance on accounting for performance guarantee. In this case can anyone help me with the same under IFRS / Ind AS? Available options as per our research: 1) Account it in line with IFRs 9 / Ind AS 109 2) Disclose it as a contingent liability 3) Account it as per INd AS 104 Insurance contracts (since Ind AS 104 gives examples of Insurance contracts which includes performance bonds) Please give appropriate literature reference / industry practice example to your response.