
Yeah, all our actions are driven by fear (or the absence of fear). While this statement can be generalized, I would restrict this discussion to corporate work place – CORPORATE FEAR!
When your boss doesn’t approve your leave, you fume “Can’t I decide my leave? After all, it is my leave and I’m entitled to it!”  As a matter of fact, you need to pity your boss.  It’s nothing but his fear of dealing with uncertain tasks that you are good at, which he may not be able to manage.

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear!


It is believed in Indian mythology that the demigod of fear appears in front of infants every now and then to induce fear in them.  He conditions their mind from early days.  Whether there is truth in this story or not, it is certainly true that all of us teach our children to stay safe and thus condition their mind to be fearful of snakes, fire, etc.

To amplify this, the human brain is an intelligent self-learning program. It trains itself on something that it is has experienced once or a couple of times.  Thus from our early days we are programmed to react in fear.


We also learn to mask our fear. But other animals usually don’t do so. A dog will not wag its tail when it wants to bite you… it will mostly charge or bark. But we conceal our true emotions. A common example at workplace is ‘faked’ smile!


Fear is at the core and it manifests itself in the form of anger, greed & lust! Anger and greed are very relevant emotions at work place.