!..take charge..!

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)

07 January 2013  


Our brain is most effective when it’s focusing on one task at a time.

Most of us don’t think sequentially (at least not naturally) because our brains typically think in a non-linear manner.

Which means most of us remember things in a disorganized manner.

So when we have a ton of things to do and/or remember, the disorganized information in our brain might get lost in the shuffle, like a messy desktop of magazines and documents.

Imagine trying to find a pin under the mess.

Seconds and minutes are lost when you stop to try and remember what you’ve forgotten, and those minutes roll into hours, which roll into cumulative days and weeks and even years of your life.

As a result, productivity suffers, and you’re constantly chasing your dreams and never achieving them.



The reason why most people don’t find success in life is that they let disorganization run their lives, and ultimately they allow it to ruin their lives as well.

Being organized is not a trait that’s automatically embedded into our psyche at birth.

Chances are, at some point in your life you might have been taught how to be more organized in your life, to have some semblance of order and organization and structure.

The problem comes when you choose not to follow through with the lessons you’ve learned.

You’re already more likely to forget the things you need to remember, but if you don’t plan to overcome that problem, then you have nobody to blame when you fail to succeed in life but yourself.

The thing is...



It becomes your fault if you realize you’ve got a problem, but choose not to do something about it.

So what can you do?

Leave notes and reminders on your fridge? You’ll run out of fridge space sooner or later.

Scribble events and important dates on a calendar? Too messy and disorganized; you’re more likely to confuse yourself as dates and notes run into each other.

Prepare a To-Do list on a piece of paper? Not a bad idea... except for the possibility of you feeling overwhelmed as you see the number of things that need to get done.