International Taxation including Form 15CA/15CB

International Taxation including Form 15CA/15CB and Recent issues of Shell Companies under Companies Act and Income Tax Act – 05-12-2017 – CPE Hours: 5 – Organised by: North Campus Study Circle of NIRC


Date Description From To Faculty Chairman CPE Hrs
Day 1
05-12-2017 International Taxation including Form 15CA and 15CB : 17:00:00 19:30:00 CA Avinash Gupta
Phone: 9810751999
E-mail: caavinashgupta@gmail.com
CA Ajay Goyal 2.50
05-12-2017 Recent issues of Shell Companies under Companies Act and Income Tax Act and its Impact : 19:30:00 22:00:00 PRAMOD JAIN
Phone: 9811073867
E-mail: infoicainoida@gmail.com
CA Ajay Goyal 2.50

Event from : 05 December 2017
Event to : 05 December 2017
Events Venue : Art of Curry, Netaji subhash palace, Delhi 110034, Near NSP Metro Station

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