GST Audit & Schedule –III of Companies Act

GST Audit & Schedule –III of Companies Act – 03-07-2018 – CPE Hours: 4 – Organised by: East End CA Study Circle of NIRC


Date Description From To Faculty Chairman CPE Hrs
Day 1
03-07-2018 • GST Audit : 17:00:00 18:00:00 ANOOP MODI
Phone: 9811232481
E-mail: caanoopmodi@YAHOO.CO.IN
03-07-2018 • Impact of GST on Finalization of Books. : 18:00:00 19:30:00 CA RAJESH KHANDELWAL
Phone: 9818595050
E-mail: rkdamballb@gmail.com
03-07-2018 Schedule- III • Division I to Schedule III (‘Non-Ind AS Schedule III’) – which gives a format of Financial Statements for Non-Ind AS companies, that are required to comply with the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006. • Division II to Schedule III – ‘Ind AS Schedule III’ which prescibes a format of Financial Statements for companies that are required to comply with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 • Implementation issues. • Observations and findings of Quality Review Board and Peer Review Board. : 19:30:00 21:00:00 Deepa Agarwal 
Phone: 9818326562
E-mail: Deepa.Agarwal@in.ey.com

Event from : 02 July 2018
Event to : 02 July 2018
Events Venue : The Crystal, Vikas Marg, Near NirmanVihar Metro Station, Delhi-92

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