5th Transfer Pricing India Summit 2018

Evaluating the transfer pricing framework and regulatory measures considering the proposed new guidelines to ensure a structured direct taxation regime within multiple entities.


  • Transfer Pricing Documentation; assessing your current documentation approach and risks against current and future requirements
  • One Year In; Transfer Pricing Documentation and Country-by-Country Reporting (BEPS Action 13)
  • Master file/Local file strategy
  • Post Budget 2018 - Transfer Pricing Hits and Misses
  • Practical approach to assessing, designing, and implementing leading operational transfer pricing practices within your organization
  • The Multilateral Instrument and its impact on India's Bilateral Tax Treaties
  • Hard-to-value Intangibles (HTVI) pose a true challenge in terms of establishing comparability
  • Priorities for the future of global transfer pricing policy

For more details on the conference and how to register or secure sponsorship, visit: https://bit.ly/2rscGn1

Event from : 09 August 2018
Event to : 10 August 2018
Events Venue : Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport, Mumbai

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