Interview with Mr. Parveen Sharma

PARVEEN SHARMA in an Exclusive Talk with CA Nikita Jain for CAclubindia.com


Mr. Parveen Sharma

Parveen Sharma is a (first class) graduate from Delhi University, having studied from Sri Venkateswara College. He qualified Chartered Accountancy Course in 1996 and was placed in merit list (Rank Holder) in Intermediate and Finals both.

He is also an Associate member of Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and Licentiate of Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He topped Delhi University by scoring 100% marks in Accountancy. He also won Gold Medal in Accounts Olympiad held in 1990. He has the honour of being co-opted as a member to Regional Monitoring Committee (RMC) of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Currently, he has been co-opted as Member, Board of Studies ICAI for the year 2006-2007.

He possesses a vast experience of teaching accountancy to students of C.A. Final and C.A. P.E. II (Intermediate), has been visiting faculty at I.C.A.I. and I.C.W.A.I. He is currently teaching accountancy to various levels of Professional Institutes and Universities and has addressed a number of courses and seminars organized by Professional Institutes. He has authored research documents on various issues.

Transcript of the Interview

Hello Everybody.

We have here with us one of the leading faculties of Accountancy for CA course in India, Mr.Parveen Sharma. It's god gifted that he can influence almost every student he comes across. He has got a charming personality and a brain and talent that is most rarely found. His energy and positiveness can make people wonder!!! So, let's have a chat with him.... ....

CA Nikita Jain

Good Morning, Sir. We already know about you that you have studied from DU and were a brilliant student and you have lot of awards and achievemnt that add diamonda to your crown. But, Sir how does it feel to be the undisputed and untouched king of North in accountancy, the one and only Parveen Sharma.

Mr. Parveen Sharma

Well, its not a question of untouched. Definitely, i personally try to do my best. I started teaching in 1990 when i was in university of DU . And its 19 years since i am teaching and since then i always try to get into the real concepts and deliver in the best manner,visualisation and overall acting even small small jokes also and that is the only thing i enjoy very much very much whether i only two day ago,sunday i was just on leave,it was very difficult to stay at home becoz whenever i am in the class i do enjoy my 4 hours ..its really good

CA Nikita Jain

Sir,one thing,i would say its incredible, early in the morning, 7 A.M. morning right up superactive on the stage when half the students are just sleeping and half awake. And then in between you catching them and remarking "Bachoo sona nahi,Sona hay to Last bench mein betho. Dekho wahan sare maha nalayak bethein hain".So sir how do you do this? This is incredible...

Mr. Parveen Sharma

No no, the point is that as per our hindu vedas,basically everyone is active in the morning and whenever a person is sleepy i do try to not to embarass the person but try to pinch him and say be active in my classes..and i myself do try to be active in the class because seeing my activeness only others can get more active.Incase i am lethargic and sitting on a chair students can't be active. I personally do take care that i should be very very active on the stage.

CA Nikita Jain

Okay, sir one more thing.Don't you think students are more and more depending on coaching now-a-days.When you started with your studies i don't think there was any coaching institutes or any teachers providing such kind of luxorious coaching with a/c and auditoriums. Sir, is not it that students are not trying to put an any effort? nowadays?

Mr. Parveen Sharma

No,the competition is growing among students. In our times a person having 52% marks in CA final will get a rank and now it is above 58% or 60%.A person who is getting 60% marks is getting rank..so competition is growing day by day and that is just because of this organised and professional coaching and this is definitely a new era and every body should take advantage of coaching..its not that students are getting weak but difinitely they are moving forward in a more organised manner..

CA Nikita Jain

Ok,but there are appoximately 1.5 lakhs CA's in our country and approx 1.5 lakhs students are enrolling for this course every year, is not the announcement of articleship training issued on 30th March,'08 that during working hours,article assistant is not allowed to attend college or take up their graduation course has made students opt out of this course and in turn ICAI has not been able to cater the needs of Indian Economy?

Mr. Parveen Sharma

In regard to 30th March announcement which institute has given,the spirit is very correct that student should pursue their articleship in a proper manner. Dummies should be avoided,and all students should take care in the best spirit to do their coaching also, i meant to say articleship also.But again the point rises that manner may not be correct, by just saying that nobody can take transfer. There are certain general reasons also not always the coaching,there can be other reasons also someone wants to take transfer you simply cant say no.I have seen some chartered accountants who have not much work and articles wants to transfer his seat because he wants to work in a better environment, you can't simply just say that you move out because there is 50 k.m. limit and all that. May be later or so he should definitely understand this troubles to students and come out with a better solution than it.But i do say that articleship plays a very very important role in the career of the student, they should take care of this thing and they should do their articleship seriously and properly.

CA Nikita Jain

Sir, no noticeable action has been seen by ICAI in relation to the Satyam Fiasco, anything on that,Sir?

Mr. Parveen Sharma

I personally believe that there was nothing wrong in Satyam regard to auditors ,nothing should come out also, because any pertainig person who is doing according to institutes requirements,he is fulfilling all his requirements and obligations properly,there is no reason of questioning him.In case the person is veiwing all the details,he is already cross examining each and every fact.Still there can be frauds,they are giving the opinion and i don't see anything will come out of the Satyam Case.

CA Nikita Jain

Sir, even bank statement were not checked.

Mr. Parveen Sharma

They were definitely checked, but they were manupulated at certain point. We can't cross examine the authenticity of a particulatr document incase it appears that it is proper.You can't just go to bank and check all the papers there also. In case management is notifing the paper is original, we are supposed to follow it, now institute will certainly come out with more regulations in this regard. May be in future, these type of scene may have a legal responsiblity for Charetered accountants as well. But in this scenario,i think we don't have any responsibilty in regard to Satyam. We did our job properly and those who have been in this legal troubles will come out clean.

CA Nikita Jain

Surely,they will.

Undoubtly the new MOU that ICAI has signed with Institute of England and Wales,GJUST, CPA Australia, has widened the scope of professional experience for CA's in india as well as abroad but wih constant change in the course and stringent regulations like ban on transfer issued on 19th of May 09, how many students are ready to take up this course. You know ,i mean the ban on transfer and the stringent rules that they are putting on even the Chartered Accountants when they are now members of the ICAI, how long will the students want to go for such a course?

Mr. Parveen Sharma

They will definitely go, but so far as i am concerned and had a talk with students, most of them will go for SAP courses when they qualify CA.They are more right now in thier primary stage of qualifing CA Exam.They do take care in case they want to got abroad and settle over there, or may be they want to expand there business outside india,they will definitely go for these classes because in future,the institute will definitely and more such kind of institutes and more kinds of even foreign firms also come to India and operate and we will be allowed going outside india fro operations.so there is not only opportunities in India but outside India also for us as well as foreigners also..and CA students are viewing this as an opportunity and they will difinitely work harder, they will without any transfer position they will definitely come out and join these courses offered by the institute.

CA Nikita Jain

Sir, on 19th May,'09 the same notification,there was an announcement forthe coaching classes.What it said was like this "the coaching classes shall not continue after 9.30 a.m. or start before 5.30 p.m., so as to enable the article and audit assistants to continue wholly on practical thing" also "members of institute who are engaged in coaching are advised not to undetake coaching between 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.". How much has this affected the coaching and the problems you have faced after that?

Mr. Parveen Sharma

No not at all, may be institute has announced this only on 30th of March or 19th of May, but i on my own for the last one year,am just winding the operations of the class by 9.30 a.m. or so. May be certain students do remain there for asking queries, but otherwise my classes start at 6.30 a.m. We changed our timings we used to start at 7:30 a.m.,normally starts at 6.30 a.m. We just changed out timings, may be students are feeling a little bit harder to arrive at 6.30 a.m. but now they are used to and i am the first person atleast in Delhi to change the timings.I am only the one who has changed the timings for the last one year. So i dont think there is any issue, now other teachers are also joining and they are also changing their timing to 6.30 a.m.

CA Nikita Jain

Sir,one more thing, regarding the technology for the students basically the CA course is not that you need to ,you know basically go on to net search for things,because for everything we have books,we have teachers, we have guidance and nothing is out of the text book,basically you dont get the general thing in the CA exams so what you suggest,the students should go for such things and be more techno savvy because everything like Income Tax filling, Corporate filling,everything is done online now. So is not it now its neccesary now to become tech savvy?

Mr. Parveen Sharma

No, but the point is that i understand that students are more tech savvy than in our time and in future they will be more tech savy than today's CA students. We are also growing with times and in our school there was only one computer,in 1990 when i qualified my 12th class and now i myself is running satellite classes and may be technology i am not very strong but i know that this is going to the future and we may come across recorded classes on website and such kind of thing. I understand students dont have time right now and they can definitely take this classes on net,they need to be tech savy,they are tech savy i believe strongly. Even your website has a hits of 50,000 per day and i think the hits are more from students side.

CA Nikita Jain

Ya they are.Okay, last before the students get disappointed,anything directly to the students on the website. 30,000 hits that we get every day,you want to say anything to the students personally?

Mr. Parveen Sharma

They should plan their time accordingly and they should give proper importance to study as well as their office. Professonal courses need professional planning. They should make profesional plans for their studies,try to have atleat 5 times revision of all the subjects because that gives them confidence as well as motivation also, and they can get good marks from that.So students should be more and more properly planned, properly informed and doing whatever the CA should basically ask them to.

CA Nikita Jain

So for the students its like more a planning and more of studies.

Mr. Parveen Sharma

Ya more of studies and more of planning.Thats their age.

CA Nikita Jain

Lastly, because now we are reaching 2 lakh members on CAclubindia, would you like to say anything for us,we would be really glad to hear from you!!

Mr. Parveen Sharma

I am really really pleased to listen that there are more than 2 lakhs members and i realy congratulate you on that and i see a very very bright future for CAclubindia.I have been personally viewing the site for the last two or three years and the site has grown many folds and all the students coming to this website,thank you very much for making this website a hit and wish you all the best for the future.

CA Nikita Jain

Thank you sir,thank you so much!!

Mr. Parveen Sharma

Thank you!!

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