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Suggested Listening Practice to Improve English

The file contains list of celebrities you can start listening to/watching to improve your English communicaiton...

Posted on 14 August 2017  (Downloads: 1949) Career

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528 KB

How to speak English fluently

While learning English, you may be obsessed with fluency. Fluency comes with practice naturally and it is result of sufficient practice and right technique. Once you make sure that practice is part of daily ritual , you will find your fluency improving a...

Posted on 28 January 2016  (Downloads: 2748) Others

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393 KB

How to build trust through communication

Quality of your career is decided by quality of your communication and trust plays a vital role in effective communication. This write-up shares few tools to develop trust through communication....

Posted on 05 January 2016  (Downloads: 741) Career

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48 KB

English grammar quiz #9

English grammar quiz # 9 share common mistake made by non-native speakers while writing or speaking English. ...

Posted on 31 December 2015  (Downloads: 423) Others

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English grammar quiz #8

English grammar quiz # 8 share common mistake made by non-native speakers while writing or speaking English....

Posted on 22 December 2015  (Downloads: 161) Others

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English grammar quiz #7

English grammar quiz #7 shares common mistakes made by non-native speakers while writing or speaking English. ...

Posted on 16 December 2015  (Downloads: 425) Others

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36 KB

English grammar quiz #6

English grammar quiz #6 shares common mistakes made by non-native speakers while writing or speaking English. ...

Posted on 10 December 2015  (Downloads: 347) Others

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31 KB

Confusing words #1

The files contains words, namely, 'disinterested' and 'uninterested' which are used interchangeably, but have different meanings. ...

Posted on 09 December 2015  (Downloads: 303) Others

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112 KB

English grammar quiz #5

English grammar quiz #4 shares common mistakes by non-native speakers.... English grammar quiz #5 shares common mistakes made by non-native speakers while writing or speaking English. ...

Posted on 02 December 2015  (Downloads: 457) Others

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36 KB

English grammar quiz #4

English grammar quiz #4 shares common mistakes by non-native speakers....

Posted on 25 November 2015  (Downloads: 266) Others

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English grammar quiz #3

English grammar quiz #3 shares common mistakes by non-native speakers....

Posted on 25 November 2015  (Downloads: 238) Others

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English grammar quiz #4

English grammar quiz #4 shares common mistakes in writing and speaking English....

Posted on 24 November 2015  (Downloads: 309) Others

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36 KB

English grammar quiz #3

English grammar quiz #3 shares common mistakes in writing and speaking English....

Posted on 24 November 2015  (Downloads: 301) Others

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44 KB

The Best Action Quotes for Your Workstation

We need relentless reminder to foster a good habit and to make us unstoppable. I have attached some of world's best action quotes to propel your mind to take action....

Posted on 19 November 2015  (Downloads: 1262) Career

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Use of colon in English writing

Use of colon often confuse us, hence we use it scarcely. This article is simple guide to using colon in English writing. ...

Posted on 19 November 2015  (Downloads: 444) Others

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English grammar quiz #2

English grammar quiz # 2 shares common mistakes in writing and speaking English....

Posted on 18 November 2015  (Downloads: 460) Others

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English grammar quiz #1

English grammar quiz # 1 shares common mistakes in writing and speaking English....

Posted on 17 November 2015  (Downloads: 674) Others

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1949 KB

Listen to the masters

The quality of our life is decided by the quality our habits. We need outstanding habits to create an outstanding life. This articles shares the most important habit to inculcate other outstanding habits....

Posted on 16 November 2015  (Downloads: 594) Others

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17 KB

Use of semicolon in English writing

One of the most ignored punctuation marks is semicolon. This article shares general rules of using semicolon....

Posted on 16 November 2015  (Downloads: 386) Others

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46 KB

Use of Parenthesis in English writing

Parentheses are commonly used in English writing. This write-up is quick reminder on use of parentheses. ...

Posted on 09 November 2015  (Downloads: 509) Others