Download Files uploaded by alok

txt File
27 KB

Notes on Current Liabilities and Provisions

Notes on Current Liabilities and Provisions...

Posted on 09 April 2008  (Downloads: 779) Students

txt File
2 KB

Notes on Misc. Expenditure

Notes on Misc. Expenditure (Assets...

Posted on 07 April 2008  (Downloads: 530) Students

txt File
16 KB

Notes on Notes to Accounts-Specimen

Notes on Notes to Accounts-Specimen...

Posted on 07 April 2008  (Downloads: 1348) Students

txt File
67 KB

Notes on Compliance with Accounting Standards

Notes on Compliance with Accounting Standards...

Posted on 06 April 2008  (Downloads: 942) Students

txt File
8 KB

Notes on Capital work in Progress

Notes on Capital work in Progress...

Posted on 06 April 2008  (Downloads: 1364) Students

txt File
9 KB

Notes on Sundry Debtors

Notes on Sundry Debtors...

Posted on 05 April 2008  (Downloads: 712) Students

txt File
9 KB

Notes on Unsecured Loans

Notes on Unsecured Loans...

Posted on 05 April 2008  (Downloads: 700) Students

rtf File
5 KB

format of abstract of a/cs

format of abstract of a/cs...

Posted on 05 April 2008  (Downloads: 536) Audit

txt File
33 KB

Notes on FA

Notes on FA...

Posted on 05 April 2008  (Downloads: 618) Students

txt File
17 KB

Notes on Investment

Notes on Investment...

Posted on 05 April 2008  (Downloads: 412) Students

txt File
6 KB

Notes on Inventories

Notes on Inventories...

Posted on 05 April 2008  (Downloads: 481) Students

txt File
15 KB

Notes on Accounts

Format of Notes on Accounts...

Posted on 26 March 2008  (Downloads: 7468) Students

doc File
74 KB

5 Types of Audit Report

Audit Report Format...

Posted on 29 February 2008  (Downloads: 2408) Audit