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  Member Since : 18 February 2012  (Amreli )

The life Tells me something yet again and again lingering in my mind ,Asking me Who am i.??Though i knw the truth or realized ,my mind keeps bargaining between the two and loosing out on a heavy balance to a wrong  side sometimes.The wrong Side is this World,which  is nothing but deception of Entertainment,Where in a Race is held by the masses to be victorious.There is a misconception as to victory or success.My thought moving To and Fro settles that victory is "peace of mind",but yet being a human i get decieved by the race of materialism to which the victory is misconcieved.Coming back to peace of mind,Peace i believe is of the soul,which we call at times mind.A rich Baron doesnt sleep ,due to worries of stake he holds but Poor beggar has a peaceful sleeping believing in the Faith on God he holds for next day.


Soul of peace is imperative cos All agree soul lives eternally. Materialism too but till the grave ONLY ,So What do u think is peace of mind or victory is???


Renounciation is not the solution but Looking up at the Sky and identifying What Master demands to do, is.


So I am a human in Search of Peace for which i look up to the Sky and do as my Lord Asks me to do ,Cos i need Peace of my soul Which lives Eternal.


 For Sure wordly life Concerns me to sustain,But i Cant Cut the Hereafter at the Expense of this World.


The Framework of Success in my mind is the Figment of my imagination.



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