Nishant Varshney

Industrial Trainee






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  Member Since : 11 January 2011  (New Delhi)

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.TO WRITE ABOUT MYSELF...SO IN SHORT I AM.....ambrosial, appealing, attractive, captivation, charming, cute, darling, dear, delectable, delicious, delightful, dishy, fetching, heavenly, lovable, luscious, pleasing, precious, s*xy, suave, archangelic, beatific, beneficient, celestial, cherubic, devout, divine, entrancing, ethereal, godly, good, heavenly, holy, humble, innocent, lovely, otherworldly, pure, radial, rapturous, righteous, saintly, self-sacrificing, seraphic, virtuous, greeable, ambrosial, appetizing, charming, choice, dainty, darling, delicate, delightful, divine, enjoyable, enticing, exquisite, gratifying, heavenly, inviting, luscious, lush, palatable, pleasant, pleasurable, rare, sapid, satisfying, savory, scrumptious, tasty, toothsome, yummy, amusing, boisterous, convivial, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, good, lively, merry,

pleasant, witty, accurate, all right, always there, authentic, authoritative, believable, convincing, credible, dependable, down home, ethical, exact, fly right, honest, honorable, kosher, level-headed, mature, open, plausible, principled, realistic, responsible, righteous, rock, saint, secure, sensible, square, steadfast, straight, there, tried, true, true blue, trustable, trusty, truthful, unfailing, up front, upright, valid, veracious, candid, forthright, frank, honest, open, overt, right on, square, scholarly, sound,altruistic, candid, careful, certain, conscientious, constant, decent, decisive, definite, dependable, determined, devoted, faithful, firm, good, high-principled, honest, honorable, impeachable, incorrupt, loyal, OK, positive, predictable, proved, regular, reputable, respectable, responsible, righteous, safe, sincere, solid, sound, stable, staunch, steadfast, steady, sterling, strong, sure, there, true, true-hearted, trusty, unequivocal, unfailing, upright, incommensurable, incomparable, offbeat, unsimilar, various, weird, unlike, distinctive, divergent, diverse, far cry, contrasting, colourfulm contradistinct, antithetic, contradistinctive, peculiar, particular, rar, something else, special, startling, uncommon, unconventional, unique, unusual, omnifarious qualities, multifarious, variegated, incongruous, diversified,cool, divine, glorious, great, groovy, hot, incomparable, keen, magnificent, marvelous, matchless, neat, outstanding, peerless, sensational, smashing, superb, terrific, topnotch, wonderful, ace, admirable, august, best, breathtaking, choice, elegant, elevated, exalted, excellent, exquisite, fab, fine, glorious, gorgeous, grand, greatest, in orbit, lofty, magnificent, majestic, marvelous, matchless, noble, optimal, optimum, outstanding, peerless, prime, proud, rad, resplendent, solid, splendid, splendiferous, splendorous, standout, state-of-the-art, stunning, sublime, super, superior, superlative, tops, me if u want to know more



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