
Cost Accountant






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About me

  Member Since : 01 April 2010  (Hyderabad )

Hi!!! Myself Karunakar.Lingala , I am a Cost Accountant.

To succed in life and achieve results, you must  understand and master three mighty forces :-  desire, belief and expectation

Nothing is impossible if we have right mind-set and determination to  succeed

  If you are fully prepared and continous to work hard, one occasion or opportunity will change your life and you can become very big in this society.

The Golden Lines by Shiv Khera " Winners dont do different things, they just do things differently" and i like it quite well as i alwways tries to get what i wish & what i drems....


 Thanks for visiting my profile.............thank u very much

Some useful Websites for Professional course

  • CA- www.icai.org/
  • CS- www.icsi.edu/
  • CWA- www.icwai.org/
  • IIM A-www.iimahd.ernet.in/
  • B- www.iimb.ernet.in/
  • C- www.iimcal.ac.in/
  • L-www.iiml.ac.in/
  • K- www.iimk.ac.in/
  • CFA- www.cfainstitute.org/
  • CPA (AUST) - www.cpaaustralia.com.au/
  • CPA (USA) - www.aicpa.org
  • CIMA - www.cimaglobal.com

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