CA.Vishrant Shukla

Head of Finance Departmen




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About me

  Member Since : 23 November 2009  (Lucknow )


A Chartered Accountant, by profession, with double graduation degree in Commerce and Law, I am currently employed as Head of Finance for MicroSave.


The Head of Finance responsibilities apart, I have been working in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and the Philippines on accounting and financial management, costing and pricing. I also played a key role in the development of the Basic Financial and Accounting Systems, Basic Financial Management and Ratio Analysis and Advanced Accounting for Microfinance Institutions toolkits.

I am working in the dual capacity of Head of Finance for MicroSave, where I am responsible for the Accounts and Finance department and as an Analyst where I conduct various assignments on accounting, financial management and costing. My areas of interest include Accounting, Financial Management, Strategic business planning; costing and pricing analyses, due diligence and institutional and risk analysis.

In the past; I have worked as a practitioner Chartered Accountant and an advocate for taxation matters in different points in time. Have also worked with Airtel for a brief period of time.

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