Poonawalla fincorps
Poonawalla fincorps
Sanjay Agarwal







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About me

  Member Since : 24 March 2009  (Aurangabad )

I am Sanjay Agarwal ( 44 years),  presently residing and working working with my B-in-Law in Aurangabad-Mah, since 20 years, looking after Accounts, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Works Contract Tax, Service tax, etc.

I was born in Mumbai, stayed in Goregaon, studied til  B.com  and C.A.-Inter.

My Area of Interest is : anything  related to  Law, Income  Tax,  Tax Savings  and Investments, Shares, Computer, reading lots of books on any subject including human development.

Previously, we were in Industrail Construction in Aurangabad.

Presently, my B-in-Law has developed  a  Technique  of Low Cost Rainwater Harvesting method ( now Indian Patent recd, awaiting  Int'l patent). We are in the process of  developing a business model  for marketing this method,  tieing with  Banks for Agri Loans,  Govt,  Industrial houses etc. The scope is mind-boggling. Anyone interested in RWH can visit  www.varshajal.com   .

More to write later.

Sanjay Agarwal

snjy_1 @ yahoo.com



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