The I.Q Test - Crimson's Room

Ilakiya kasinathan (article ) (46 Points)

18 February 2010  

hello friends,

This is a small power point presentation to test our I.Q named crimson test.. u gt urslf stk n a room nd u r 2 fnd out certain thngs dere 2 gt u out of dat rum.. der r totly 13 thngs nd if u r abl 2 fnd all d 13 nd corelate, u gt out of d rum nd u r a genius 2, if u fnd nythng below 6, den am sry frnds, ur I.Q s a bit low nythng btwn 6-8, den its avrge, nythng btwn 8-10, den ur I.Q s abve avrge,if u r abl 2 fnd 11or 12 thngs, u r good nd 13, lift ur heads high, u r a genius.. i was abl 2 fnd only 11 thngs.. lets c how many of our friends are genius...

Look for the attached file..