Hi frens can anyone pls tel me whats the cut off date for taking up CWA exams this december.. when shud be registered...wat shud be the gap between registration and exam date ? ...
CS Ambrish (Comp-Secretary) (175 Points)
11 April 2011Hi frens can anyone pls tel me whats the cut off date for taking up CWA exams this december.. when shud be registered...wat shud be the gap between registration and exam date ? ...
CA Shashank Sharma
(85 Points)
Replied 11 April 2011
Exams are held two times in a year i.e. on 11th to 18th June and on 10th to 17th December. For June Term Examination apply before 05th December of previous year and for December Term Examination apply before 05th June.
Where to Apply:
All students shall submit their Postal Application form, duly filled in together with relevant documents and remittances to their respective Regional Councils only. Regional Councils and area covered by the region are given below: Address of Regional Councils of ICWAI |
Area Covered8.0pt; |
Western India Regional Council "Rohit Chambers",4th Floor Janmabhoomi Marg,Fort Mumbai - 400 001 Ph : 022-22872010/ 22841138/ 22043406/ 22043416 Fax : 91- 022- 22870763 Email :wirc @ icwai.org Web site : www. icwai-wirc.org |
The State of Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pardesh, Maharashtra, Goa and the Union Territories: Daman Diu., Dadra, and Nagar Heveli. |
Southern India Regional Council 4, Montieth Lane, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 Ph:044-28554443/28554326/28528219 Fax : 91- 044- 28554651 Website:www.sircoficwai.com Email: sirc @ icwai.org |
The State of Andhra Pradesh, Karnatka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Pondicherry and the Unition Terrritory: the Lakshadweep |
Eastern India Regional Council 84, Harish Mukherjee Road, Kolkatta - 700 025 Ph : 033 -24553418 /24555957 Fax : 91 033-2455-7920 Email :eirc @ icwai.org |
The States of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Manipur, Maghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Tripura, West Bengal, Sikkim, the Union Territories: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Foreign Countries. |
Northern India Regional Council 3, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003 Ph : 011 - 24626678 / 24615788 Fax : 24622156 Email :nirc @ icwai.org |
The States of Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajastan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttraanchal and the Union Territory: Chandigarh. |
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