We Indians Very profoundly propogate our knowledge,but most of Indian passing life miserable,it's time to INTROSPECT,where R we wrong?Put down hereby your comments and contributions to make INDIANS Happy.
Prakash Popat (3134 Points)
08 February 2009We Indians Very profoundly propogate our knowledge,but most of Indian passing life miserable,it's time to INTROSPECT,where R we wrong?Put down hereby your comments and contributions to make INDIANS Happy.
Ashish M
(Chartered Accountant)
(2731 Points)
Replied 08 February 2009
i think sm of the societal, customs, and taking things in loose way like impunity in breaking law, chalta hai attitude, not accepting harsh laws, political bureaucracy, resistance to change, lack of govts' attitude and resistance towards its RESHUFFLE.....................
but still happy that we maintained our oneness............diverse cultures, diverse thoughts, diverse attitudes,...bringing and maintaining togather multilingual and multi-thought people is not easy................
Prakash Popat
(3134 Points)
Replied 10 February 2009
Unique Indian problems is on accounts of SECULARISM,and Unique problems solutions involve only in SECULARISM.
Prakash Popat
(3134 Points)
Replied 13 February 2009
Illogical allocation of Resources or GDP is Prime INDIAN concerned.
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