Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to Health

RAMYA NAIR (CS Executive Inter) (119 Points)

20 May 2011  


CIGARRETE SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH-                                                      

Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. This is a common line that you can see on even a cigarette packet. We all read them even smokers also read them but they ignore this warning. Why? Because they do not want to quit smoking. They have got habitual of cigarette. They also know that cigarette not only causes pollution but cause health hazards too. It is one of the main causes behind lung cancer. The smoke of a burning cigarette is really very dangerous. Not only the smoker is in danger but the other person who is standing nearby him is also at the same risk. This is called Passive Smoking. All smokers know and understand this perfectly, yet there is something that prevents them from giving it up. 

You all know the harmful effects of smoking on our health, environment and others. Smoking is harmful for each and every organ of the body. In simple words, we can say that smokers are near death stage. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug found in tobacco. When a cigarette is burned and inhaled, a drug is released into the body which is called nicotine. It is a pleasure giving drug and people easily get addicted to this drug.

 The intake of this drug stops your body growth and results in causing various diseases.

Smoking results in causing ulcer, stroke, mouth and throat cancer, larynx cancer, various heart diseases, pulmonary disease, bladder and cervical cancer. So, it becomes very important to give up this bad habit. Quitting this bad habit will reduce your risks for diseases and improve your health. Cigarette smoking can cause various diseases and can destroy almost all human organs, at least there are 24 fatal diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Adverse effects of smoking to health will usually appear in a long time, over 5 years. 


Leaving smoking habits is not an easy job but it can be done. The choice is yours that how you want to quit, what kind of help you need, which option you want to choose and where to go for help. After 2-3 trials, you can successfully quit from this habit. Every time you try to quit, you came to know the favorable and unfavorable situations.

Firstly you have to make-up your mind and change your nearby environment. Throw all cigarettes and ashtrays from your workplace, car and home. Your family, friends can also help you to achieve this. Don't allow anyone to smoke around you (literal sense not possible but atleast try to avoid the craving when you see others smoking in front of you). You can also take advice from your health care provider. Keep yourself busy and take proper rest. There are many medication programs that help you in quitting and diminishing your urge to smoke.

Leaving this habit results into proper development of your body, lessens the risk of developing diseases, increases your learning and working capacity and halves the risk of dying. You will find the following symptoms that may exist for few days after leaving your smoking habit: faintness, depression tetchiness, trouble while sleeping, agitation, headache and sleepiness.


I am sure almost everyone must be remembering the movie “MAINE PYAR KIYA” starring Salman khan and Bhagyashree,in which a scene is based on the same.When Salman is smoking bhagyashree interferes and tells him to stop smoking and he does that wilfully( reason may be different though J),  but the dialogue which she says is “Dosti ki hai toh nibhaani bhi padegi”..So I hope guys I am your friend and atleast after reading this I hope atleast 50% of you guys who have this habit atleast start to think of avoiding it,then leaving it gradually, completely.

My good wishes are with all of you..