Anyone can apply IPCC and write exam wihtout register Article ship?
If i joint IPCC how much should i pay ( net amount ).
Now am working in familer company as a Sr. Executive - F & A. But i would like to study CA. what should i do?
sivakumar (Asst Manager - F&A) (324 Points)
08 June 2013Hi,
Anyone can apply IPCC and write exam wihtout register Article ship?
If i joint IPCC how much should i pay ( net amount ).
Now am working in familer company as a Sr. Executive - F & A. But i would like to study CA. what should i do?
CA Apoorva Gaurav
(368 Points)
Replied 09 June 2013
Artcleship is mandatory there is no exemption avaiable on any ground...
Nandini Char
(1 Points)
Replied 18 July 2016
Hi sir can anyone help me pls , I have registered to direct entry for ipcc nw I hve joined to ITT course next month frm 8th it starts n can I write exam in next June
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)