Beautful message to all students

priya (student) (81 Points)

05 January 2013  



Some 20-30 years back, the word High Blood Pressure was not so common as is seen these days. In this modern age after crossing the age of 50 years, appx. 50% of people are suffering from High B.P. This percentage is increasing day by day. We ourself are responsible for this disease. The main cause of this problem is stressful lifestyle. Today’s life is so busy that we don’t have time to think about our self and even no time for taking food. The life has become sadentory.

As we know, God has gifted us a pump in shape of heart, which is supposed to work for 100 years, without break. This pump sends the oxygen via blood to each and every cell of the body. For this all, a definite pressure of blood is required, oftenly 120/80 mm/Hg is normal blood pressure. The blood pressure is expansion and sequize action of the heart, when it squizes, the blood with force goes to blood vessels and the pressure in blood vessels is called Systolis pressure, through this pressure, blood vessels distributes blood in the whole body and heart returns to its original position, or expands. In blood vessels, the pressure remains, is called Diastolic pressure, which is called low B.P. oftenly Blood Pressure is due to Anger, Mental Tension, Excessive Physical Work, Phobia, Fear and excessive cold, it may return to normal after some time.



            Acute Headache, Giddyness, By doing less labour feel fatiques, Bleeding from the nose, Excess of breathing while climbing stairs, Being lazy, Lack of fitness/smartness, Lack of activity, Redness of eyes may be the initial symptoms of high B.P.

            Other symptoms are: Sinking of heart, Uneasyness, Vimsical mind, Excess of sweating, Excess of anger, Increase in palpitation of heart, Pain in chest, Pain in left shoulder/Left arm, Fainting, Whistling in ears, Vomiting, Shivering in feet and hands, Disturbed digestive system, Irritating attitude, Unwillingness doing in work.



            Giving preference to non veg. food instead of vegetarian food, Lack of physical labour, Excessive intake of Salt, Chilies & Spicy food, Lack of Exercise/Yoga, More use of Sweets, Fatty food, Excess of Intoxication: Tea, Coffee, Liquor, Allopathic Medicines & Steroids, Mental Tension, Anger, Worry, Phobia, Fear, Jealousy, Obesity, Narrowing/Hardening of Blood Vessels, Increase in Cholesterol, Intake of Excessive Sodium and Sugar in Blood, Excessive Food Intake/Time in again, Less intake of Fibrous food/Fruit/Salad etc. , Chronic ailments of Stomach & Urine, Not fully clearance of Bowl.



            It is not only in old persons but also in young and even in children, High B.P. is seen. One and only one reason is Excessive intake of Junk/Fast food, Cold drinks; the contents contained in these edibles are harmful for human body. The symptom of the problem is not noticed at preliminary stage and the cure becomes difficult.





  • Taking less food than the appetite.
  • Taking less quantity of sodium and proiens( more sodium is found in wheat, Meat, Dry Fruits, Bread, Pastries, Cake, Carrots etc. In Rice, Milk, Banana, Apple, Grapes, Orange, less Sodium is found.
  • Very less intake of salt, only one gram of salt to be taken in 24 Hours.
  • If at all you don’t take it, it will regulate the Blood Pressure.
  • Take maximum Fresh Fruits and Salad.
  • Food taken should be properly chewed.
  • Equal quantity of flour of Wheat and Grams Loaf is useful.
  • Take the Loaf with Bran.
  • Don’t take water with the meals or immediately after meals, should be taken half an Hour prior or one Hour after the meals.
  • Take Myrobalan (Aamla) in any form (fresh or dry), Blood Vessels remain flexible and quantity of cholesterol is also balanced.
  • Taking of overnight made Wheat Loaf, Soaked in Milk is useful.




In case of acute disease, go for Fruit or Fruit Juice fasting for atleast Ten days. Take less quantity of Fruits and not more than three times a day.




Morning: Lemon water, Fruit juice, Whey-residue of Skimmed Milk, Orang.


Noon: Salad, Boiled Vegetables, Loaf with Bran, Guava with Seed and Skin (don’t break the seed, swallow it).


Evening: Apple, Mango, Pears, Pineapple, Musk Mellon, Rose Apple (Kind of black Plum), Custard Apple (Shariffa), Raspberry (Rasbhari) may be taken or Loaf with Bran, Salad and Green Vegetables. Avoid Pulses, it contains maximum Proteins.




  • Honey with onion Juice useful in purifying Blood, cholesterol balances, useful in nervous weakness, helpful in digestion and insomnia, it regulates the pulpatation of Heart.
  • Seed of Water Melon & Mawsee-the Poppy seed (Khaskhaas) to be grinded properly and take three gram with water, empty stomach.
  • Juice of Amaranthus-Polygamus
  • Five leaves of Tulsi (Basil), two leaves of Margosa (Neem) with 20gm of water is useful.
  • Taking 3gm of Fenugreek (Methi) with Margosa (Neem) Powder, morning and evening is useful, even in Diabetes in 15 days.
  • Whey after meals is helpful.
  • 1-2 Teaspoonful juice of Basil with water may be taken.
  • 1-2 small pieces of Garlic rapped with Currants (Munnaka) is useful in B.P, Cholesterol and Heart problem.
  • Papya is very useful, may be taken empty stomach.
  • Go for 2-3 kms walk.
  • Using of Panchmukhi Rudraksh IS VERY USEFUL IN B.P. and other problems.
  • Go for weekly or fortnightly fast.
  • Walk barefooted on grass.
  • Lie on right side, it will activate the left nostril, which is useful in high B.P.
  • Take Bark of Arjun tree in shape of powder with water, its tea, put on tongue and swallow or boiled in milk.
  • Use of Triphla is useful.
  • Go to bed early.
  • Avoid Anger.
  • Don’t do more work than your capacity.
  • Go for dry or oily massage.
  • Use coarse towel after bath.
  • After natural call go for fresh water Anniema (A Yogic Annus wash).
  • Take bath with luke warm water.
  • Take Myrobalan (Aamla) powder or fresh juice.
  • Avoid Smoking and Drinking liquor.
  •  Yellow Myrobalan (Harar-Haritkee).
  • Be away from Mental Tension.
  • Avoid Obesity.




            Yogaasans : Padmasan, Paschimotanasan, Shashankasan, Yogmudra, Bhujangasan, Surya Namaskar, Pawanmuktaasan, Suptvajarasan & Shavasan. Shithilasan on right side is very effective.



Paschimotanasan:- Joining the heels and toes together, stretch the toes forward. Inhaling raise the arms towards the sky and stretch the arms and back upward. Exhaling start bending forward from base of waist till the hands pass the toes. Catch hold of the feet, rest the elbows on the ground and forehead should teach the knees. Inhaling raise your arms and head together, exhaling bring down your arms stretched down slowly, normalize the breath and relax completely.


Suptvajarasan:- Sit in Vajarasan; keep the feet apart and hip on the ground, knees together. Feel comfortable in this posture then move ahead. Catch hold of ankles and start bending backward, let the right elbow rest on the ground first, and then left elbow. Now lower the whole of your back on the ground. Keep the knees together on the ground stretch your both hands backward for sometime. Place your both palms under the head and relax for a while. Now catch hold of ankles and supporting from right elbow start returning to original posture. Breathe normally and relax in Vajarasan.


Shashankasan:- Sitting in Vajarasan keep the spine and neck erect. Keep both arms parallel to the ground palms facing downward. Inhaling slowly and deeply raise the arms together towards the sky. Stretch the spine and arms as high as possible and start bending forward keeping arms together near the ears without raising the hip, now relax the palms on the ground, elbows rest on the aasan, the forehead may also touch the ground without raising hip. Breathe normally and relax for a while in this posture. Inhaling stretch the arms and return slowly to Vajrasan. Relax completely and feel the impact.


Pawanmuktaasan:- Lying on the back, straighten the back with the heels and toes put together and stretched. Stretch the arms on side of body, palms facing the aasan. Bend right leg, interlock the fingers of the hand, inhaling place them below right knee and press belly. Stay for a moment, exhaling lift the head and touch the knee with the nose. Inhaling come back to the normal position. Breathe normally and repeat with the left knee and then with both the knees.


Pranayam : Anulom Vilom, Bhamire, Ujjaie and Shitlee.


Meditation : Go for Meditation 10-15 minutes in isolated place.


Moreover, with the help of Harya Yog; one can get rid of Blood Pressure completely.



regards priya