!..top 10 list to think about set your goals..!

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)

29 December 2012  


1 Rule: Remember the Ultimate Currency. We do everything for one reason: To be happy. So, as you set your goals, better make sure you're focusing on things that *actually* make us happy, eh? (Science is clear on this. Most self-dev goal classes aren't. :0 We'll discuss the details.)

2. What NOT To Do. If your goal is happiness, focus on the Intrinsic goals. Stuff like deeper relations, personal growth, and making a contribution. As you've probably realized, the Reality-TV-esque Extrinsic goals of fame/wealth/hotness that our society is so obsessed with are not your tickets to joy. (Nothing wrong with the bling, of course, but let that come as a by-product of virtue and connectedness to your highest self.)

3. Go After the Highest Goal. Every moment gives us an opportunity to connect to and express the highest version of yourself. We'll have fun showing you how to rock this.

4. Embrace the Happy Archetype. Time to balance the Rat Racer and the Hedonist that exists within each of us as we set goals that inspire us AND enjoy the process.

5. Create Dynamic Tension. Science says: We need to set goals that are difficult but possible. Get out of your comfort zone and into your stretch zone. But don't get all manic and set snap/panic zone goals. (We'll also chat about why vision boards suck and why it's much better to focus on the *steps* you need to take rather than the ultimate outcome.)

6. Put Your Virtues in Action. Science says: If you want to be happy, use your strengths often. Use them in service to the world and you'll be filled with meaning. We'll help you do this.

7. Put Some FUN in Your Fundamentals. Sustainable levels of happiness only occur when we're consistent on our fundamentals. We'll have fun setting our fundamental goals for 2013--with a focus on Exercise + Nutrition + Meditation. (Mine include rowing 1 million meters, walking 4 million steps, meditating for 10,000 minutes (27 min/day :), doing 10,000 burpees, walking with our little baby Emerson 350+ times for 1,000+ miles next year, etc.). You?

8. Identify Your Roles + Goals. Stephen Covey says we all have different roles in our lives. We need to identify them and set goals for them. (My Top 5 Roles? Philosopher + CEO + Dad + Husband + Energized Human Being. We'll help you identify your Roles and your Goals.)

9. Set Creative Production Goals. How can you focus on GIVING rather than GETTING? What do you want to create in 2013? How do you want to serve? What are your creative production goals?  Setting these is powerful and fun. (Mine include creating an Optimal Living 101 video every day, interviewing 100+ cool peeps, teaching at least once/week, producing 15+ awesome conferences, launching our Facebook-like site for Optimal Living, etc.) You?

10. Develop Your Willpower. Willpower (aka virtue, character, areté) is THE greatest predictor of health, happiness, wealth and all the other goodness we want in our lives. (Did you know it outpredicts IQ for academic success by a factor of 2?) Ultimately, if you had to set one goal for 2013 that would have the most powerful impact on your life it would be wise to consider developing your willpower. Sexy? Not really. Powerful? Absolutely. We'll chat about how to do this.



Happy Happy (almost!) New Year...!!