Two Day Workshop on Due Diligence


Bombay Chartered Accountants' Society



Infotech & 4i Committee

Chairman : CA. Ameet Patel

Convenors : CA. Nandita Parekh, CA. Kinjal Shah & CA. Pinky Shah



Two Day Workshop on Due Diligence



"Due Diligence" is a concept involving voluntary investigation of a business prior to entering into any kind of a commercial contract with it. Due Diligence is a standard practice of investigation and examination of all aspects of a business unit, before entering into any type of commitment of money, time, goodwill or managerial involvement.


Due Diligence is carried out by examination of a potential target for merger, acquisition, privatization, or similar corporate finance transaction normally by a buyer. This investigation focuses on the overall material matters of the past or future matters that might have a significant bearing on the profitability or mere existence of the business.


Many a times the Due Diligence process is carried out to dig out any hidden or potential liabilities which may arise and need to be adjusted in the transaction price. Typically Due Diligence is usually done by examination of books of account, vouchers, statutory registers and other relevant records including current practices of process and policies. Further inquiries and asking certain key questions to the management and others related with the business also is part of the entire process.


A good Due Diligence process helps to answer many tricky questions like how do you buy, how do you structure the acquisition, and how much do you pay?


To sum up, Due Diligence is an important tool along with valuation to make an acquisition decision and determine a fair price to be offered by the acquirer to a target company or its assets for acquisition.


Due Diligences are of many kinds and have become a practice area with huge potential for practicing Chartered Accountants.


The Infotech & 4i Committee of the BCAS, continuing with its tradition of introducing a new and emerging area to its members, has organized a two day program covering all the aspect of Due Diligence.


This Two Day program on Due Diligence has been specially designed to introduce the subject to its members who can focus on this emerging practice area. Eminent professionals from the field will be speakers and further details of this workshop are as under:


Day and Date

Friday, November 30, 2012 and Saturday, December 01, 2012


9.00 am to 6.00 pm. (on both days)


Walchand Hirachand Hall, 4th Floor, IMC Building, Churchgate, Mumbai


For members Rs. 3,550/-

+ Rs 439/- (Service Tax)


Rs 3,989/-


For non members Rs. 5,050/-

+ Rs 624/- (Service Tax)

Rs 5,674/-

Fees Include Service Tax, Course fees, Meal, Material & Contribution of Rs. 50/- to BCAS Foundation


Eminent professionals from Industry and Accounting/legal profession including  Mr. Bharat Vasani (Legal Head – Tata Group) Mr. Mayank Rastogi, Mr. Bhavesh Vora, Mr. Vivek Iyer, Mr. Ashutosh Pednekar,

Mr. Yusuf Hakim & Mr. Shivkumar Israni

Topics to be covered

  • Overview of Due Diligence Practice
  • Financial Due Diligence
  • Operational Due Diligence
  • A user’s perspective of due diligence services
  • Legal & Secretarial Due Diligence
  • Direct & Indirect Tax Due Diligence
  • The Logical end – what happens after a Due Diligence process
  • A new Practice Area - Opportunities and challenges   


Enrolment Form


Two Day Workshop on Due Diligence




BCAS Membership No. (If Applicable): ……………………………………...........................


Company/Firm Name: ………………………………………………………………………


Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………




Age: ….............……. Tel (O): ……………………............ Tel (R): ………...………………


Mobile: ……………………………………. Email: …………………………………………


Meal: Jain………. Non Jain………..


Cash/Draft/ Cheque no. .................. Drawn on ..............................................................................Bank,


Dated ......................... for an amount of Rs……………………………………………… is enclosed.


Date: .....................                                                                              Signature: ………………


Please fill in the above form appropriately and send the same to the Society’s office along with the requisite payment.


Please mention your name and membership number (if applicable) on the reverse side of the local cheque/at par cheque/Demand Draft.


Kindly note that the cash counter timings are from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Monday to Friday and 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. The lunch time is 1.30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Participants are requested to co-operate in this regard.


Cancellation Policy: Kindly note that no refund will be given in case of cancellation for any reason and no substitute will be allowed, once the enrolment form is submitted.


Event from : 30 November 2012
Event to : 01 December 2012
Events Venue : Walchand Hirachand Hall, 4th Floor, IMC Building, Churchgate, Mumbai

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