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14 July 2015 A friend of mine is working in merchant navy on foreign going ships, and his salary is coming in NRE account, and he is not filing IT returns, and in some financial years he was able to fullfill 183 days criteria and and in some financial years he was not able to maintain,� so my question is that , the financial year in which he was not able to maintain 183 day's criteria, in that year does he have to pay income tax as per limit, or he doesn't have to pay anything as his salary is coming in Nre account, and if he has to pay what he should do for the years he has not paid and for future ? Thanks.

14 July 2015 Yes for those years he have to pay income tax in India after claiming relief on any tax on income paid in that country.

14 July 2015 he has to pay for those years as per the tax laws

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