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cenvat credit

This query is : Resolved 

20 March 2008 Hi sir this is with refrence of matarial supplied on excisable invoice to the customer.the actual matarial received by the customer is less than what has actually supplied by the supplier.
let me know whether customer can have full cenvat credit in case of loss of material is normal loss.

20 March 2008 You will be able to get the CENVAT of what you have received.

as you are going to book and pay for material that you have received only...

20 March 2008 this is the general principle but as i remember there is a larger bench order in which it was held that if the measurement of the input reduces due to natural causes like vaporisation etc that would not amount to loss of the goods........anyway thx a ton for putting your valuable time and efforts....

15 May 2011 in case of vapourization and regular wear and tear, the buyer is also aware of the facts, instead seller always clear some% of excess for such clause,

if the buyer reporting that he got shortage, that does not mean natural wear and tear, but displacement of materials on transit.

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