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About me

  Member Since : 03 September 2009  (Pune )


Deciding the career I had to choose,
I was totally in mess & very confused.
A doctor, lawyer or an engineer,
Lost in dilemma I was in fear.
One thing was sure, that I wanted to be the very best.

Evaluating my abilities, continued my quest
One fine day, I decided to be a CA.
A though job as people say
I decided to succeed come what may.
Over coming the obstacles that would come my way.

"CPT" was cool with maths and stats.
Nothing so technical and no lengthy "Acts",
Switching to "PCC" was a thrill....
Over confident my efforts were NIL
Exams were near as the time flied.
Now CA seemed a Bungee ride.

Accounting.... I was scared...
It continued to be a nightmare.
But I decided to succeed come what may.
Over coming the obstacles that would come my way.

Luck favoured and I was through,
Still I am left with so much to prove....
Articleship to final is a long way to go,
I have already decided to succeed
And success comes to the people,
Who decide to be SUCCESS FUL.

Basically a Fun lovin guy blessed with high energy levels who loves a lot of activity, an extrovert & friendly person. Am v ambitious, creative & a big foodie...

A man of many lives, many interests, many passions but my aim is to become Chartered Accountants..........
Now i m in CA FINAL..........Sachin

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