Time..!! the wonderfull word.....

Karan Teli (Life Is just an Illusion...!!)   (4573 Points)

28 August 2011  


What is the importance of time management?

Imagine if we were given Rs. 86,400 each morning and we are required to spend this money. We cannot save it for a rainy day or invest it for your future.

The money that we have today we have to spend today itself..!!

How would we spend it?


This happens with us each day with a more valuable resource - OUR TIME.

Each day we have 86,400 seconds which we have to use. We can't invest it or save time up. Each day gives us the same amount of time.

While we can save and invest money, time is a resource that can't be replenished - once time has passed it is gone for ever.

People like us specially in profession of CA/CWA/CS are the most needfull to know the exact use of time.

This raises the importance of managing our time - "from to-do lists and personal organizers to our personal effectiveness and the way that we want to our life to be..."

What is time management



Most people think that time management is about planners, techniques or time management tools. But these are the tools to self (or life) management. Time management is really about self management. How we manage ourself in relation to time.

We have a finite amount of time in which to choose our activities - don't we want to choose activities that are of the highest priority.....?

People who have made atleast to synchronious time and life are the most successfull people...


The benefits of time management-


-To do list will be shorter,

-Less stressed about what you have to do,

-Avoidance of conflicting priorities and difficulty in making decisions,

-Less frazzled/Exhausted and worn out at the end of each day.






(list goes on and on)....


With 24 hours in each day, time management is about managing our activities in relation to time.

The foundation of good time management starts with personal goal setting and developing the priorities. By prioritizing what is most important, time management allows us to spend quality time doing important things that add value to our life.


From childhood to old age, time management means we do more of what matters to us. We’re clear about what we want, we have things to look forward to, goals to work towards, and we feel good about the way we spend your time.

Whether our day is full of demands or we’ve got hours to choose how to use, how you manage our time will dictate how we would like to lead our life....


As usual this article ends with the same famous qoute -