
!..Live to Give..!






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About me

  Member Since : 29 December 2010  (Rajkot )

:) A Warm Welcome to My Profile :)

My Contribution... .. .


Sayings of Legends Which i Call Magical Words

My Poem On Chartered Accountant


!..To Someone Who Think Negative..!

!..Stop Abortion..!

!..be just as you are..!


!..You are your OWN person..!

!..You GET to CHOOSE..!

!..Don't talk about Negative Thoughts..!

!..Are you a Table with One Weak Leg..!

!..Words of Wisdom..!

!..You are born to Achieve..!

!..Take Charge..!

!..Happiness is a product of Realisation..!


!..Service Tax Registration Procedure..!


!..Accept Defeat & Move on..!

!..Choose your Battles Wisely..!

!..Live in Present Moment..!

!..Be Ready for 2013..!

!..Life in Precious..!



!..Never Take Love For Granted..!

!..8 Ways to Motivate you..!

!..Simple Ways to Increase your Intellligence..!

!..A Reason, A Season or A lifetime..!

!..Choice is Yours..!

!..Time has all the Answer..!

!..Did you smile today..!

!..How to Overcome Fear..!

!..Life is too short for..!

!..How do i stop my negative thoughts..!

!..Solve your Problems..!

!..Don't Worry Be Happy..!

!..Power Of Saying No..!

!..Angry Birds - Learn From It..!

!..Need More Sleep..!

!..Identify Your Problems, Focus On Dreams..!


!..knowledge is power - appreciate urself..!


!..words of dr. verghese kurien..!


!..10 ways to increase ur confidence level..!


!..i am happy..!


!..change - that cannot be changed in life..!



!..life is short...live it..!


!..live to give..!


!..about life..!


!.. discover the leader in you..!


!..excellence is never an accident..!

!..believe in yourself..!

!..its your life..!

!..11 essential habits for success..!

!..some useful tips..!

!..quit smoking..!

!..tongue twisters..!


!..Success Story - Warren Buffet..!

!..Success Story - Thomas Alva Edison..!

!..Success Story - Mother Teresa..!

!..Success Story - Bill Gates..!

!..Success Story - Oprah Winfrey..!

!..That We LIved..!

!..You Have the Ability..!

!..be willing to learn throughout the life..!

!..Pensil & Eraser - A Small Conservation..!

!..What Makes a Dad..!

!..Be good to Yourself..!

!..To Inspire is Divinde..!

!..Don't Draw Conclusions..!

!..Parent's Wish..!

!..Did You Know..!

!..Life is Colourful..!

!..Life is Beautiful..!

!..Be Yourself..!

!..Ask The Question to Yourself..!

!..This is Our Earth..!

!..Never Weep/Shed Tears..!

!..Inspirational Images..!

!..This is called Real Beauty..!

!..The real Maning Of Words..!

!..Few Principles of Life..!

!..Good Friday..!

!..Forgive And Move On..!

!..How Are You..!

!..Just Books..!

!..Do i Deserve..!

!..Dedicated to CCI..!


!..As We Grow..!

!..New Year Resolution..!

!..Importance of Smile..!

!..A Wishing Tree..!

!..Just Life..!

!..Life is Like an Echo..!

!..A Small Tip to Seek God..!


!..Being a Light..!

!..Doing a Great Job..!


!..Working for God..!

!..Everyone has a Problem..!

!..Dare to be Diffeent..!

!..Something We Should All Remember..!


!..Life is Here to Enjoy..!

!..Take Time..!

!..Story Of Failure..!

!..If You Think..!

!..You are at the top..!

!..Enjoy Your Life..!

How To Communicate Like A PRO

!..Good Enough..!

!..Who Am I..!

!..Time Management..!

!..The Few Thing..!

!..The Man IN The Glass..!

My Contribution

Click On the Tabs to see my contribution..!!
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