I have something to say..


I have something to say..

 dont  know how to say..what to say, to whom I should tell..even I dont know the reason why to say.. thinking whether to say or not..,

but actually, its not that I have something to say, but the fact is I want to say something.., I am trying hard to say something, but I am confused .. Is it really needed to say.. Is there any use in saying..  If it is useful... its for whom?... for me or for you who read this?..or its useful for those who doesnt read this???  I decided no matter its useful or not..I have to say something... and I will say something..

See again, I am stepping backward... though I want to say something, but I am afraid of your response... what you may think... Will you be angry at me!.. you may think I have wasted your time...Yes may be I am.. but trust me..I really have something to say....

Ok decided.. to say it.. jo hona hein hone do...

but puzzled again,, from where I should start?? shall I start with "Greetings of the day"... No... how would be "Namasthe"... No.. oh my god, I dont know where to start... what I should do now?? If the beginning is so tough... how can I say..what I want to say...

So forget about Greetings, or Namasthe.. lets go to the main subject... what I want to say... what I want to say... what I want to say... OHH Nooo.... what I wanted to say???,  why I am not remembering what I wanted to say.. Now I am doubting myself... Did I really had anything to say?? .. If I really had.. then what was that?? no use.. looks like its the case of memory loss... or the truth is.. I really had nothing to say...

If I have nothing to say... then what is that I am doing, and friends..If I am not saying anything..then what is that you are listening....

I am in tears now.. there was nothing to tell or nothing to listen,  but you still reached up to this line with patience, keeping faith in me... and still you are listening to me.... What can I say now...























I am Speechless...

No Words to say..

(even after searching in and studying dictionary)


Meine kuch kaha nahin

aap ne kuch suna nahin..

Iss baat ka yakeen zaroor hein


Aap ke chehre pe haseen zaroor hein

smileyHappy Day..smiley